0-300 km/h in 10 sec. ;-)
Ok..im not that bad at german. Ich habe cousinen in München.
The first dynorun is from a friends GSXR110Turbo. His bike is built with a smaller turbo = faster spoolup. That generates high torque very early. The bike gets much harder to drive without wheelies. He has about 230 Nm already at 7000rpm. At that point i "only" have about 188 Nm. Compare the curves of horsepower, wich bike of these two do you think is most easy to drive? My bike is built with a big turbocharger wich gains slower spoolup. I have also worked alot with the wastegate to get the HP linear with the RPM. If you want a turbobike that makes wheelies everytime you touch the gas, build with a small turbo. If you want control of the power, use a bigger turbo and modify the wastegate.

Mitglied: seit 2005
Hallo peter_swe,
schau mal hier
(klick) - da gibt es sicher etwas passendes zum Thema "0-300 km/h in 10 sec. ;-)"!
do you have other videos from your bike?
I have one from the dynorun.
can you put it on webspace that i / we could watch?
Glaub net das es gefaked is.Der gibt kein einziges mal vollgas ausser wo er überholt!!Hört man am motor das da net volldampf herrscht!die will bei 250 noch hoch.da is schon dampf dahinter jungs!Vielleicht hab ich auch keine ahnung :-)