I agree with AC.
But here is something else to think about... who said that these people as a whole are someone to be thought of as role models. Yes we want the money, the jewels, the girls... (and in the case of women they want the guys with the six packs). But who says that we should be like them.
We are not being told to be Teachers, Firefighters, Police officers... with correct morals. These types of people are the heros of everyday life to be looked at. Not some flashy rapper who has a hot video!
The guy (or girl) who brings home the paychecks to feed the family... that is who we need to be like!
A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.
(Zitat von: BILAL)
hey we almost ment the same think.
other question, do u mean the muscles in the abdomen or an sixzylinder? no joke, fucking serious question (yeah hiphoplyricz *gg*)
(Zitat von: Chris83KA)
I meant the muscles... most females dont know enough about a car to even understand 6 cylinders...
Unless they belong to BMW Syndikat!!!
A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.