Habe über quoka.de ein Notebook angeboten zum verkauf, ein Interessent aus UK hat sich gemeldet, soweit waren wir uns beide einig bezogen auf die Zahlungs und Lieferbedinungen und nun bekomme ich so eine Email mit dem ich nicht wirklich was anfangen kann oder weiß ob dies normal ist oder ist diese wieder so eine verar.....?
Betreffe der Email war: PAYMENT ALERT
Email selbst:
This mail is exclusively for online transaction only.If you receive this mail in error, we will appreciate if you can kindly delete it
We are likely to inform you that the sum of 410€. has been paid to us by one of our customer name DYLAN MARTIN whose yahoo ID is ............@yahoo.de in order of an online transaction.Please note that this sum of money will be transfer to you as soon as our customer receive the items paid for.
You can now continue with the shipping processes.
NOTE:please verify that you have receive this mail by replying us with a subject PAYMENT
Thanks for you cooperation
Woodgate Brown
2001 6. Ave Suite 1200, Seattle WA 98121
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Nachdem ich Ihm gesagt habe das wir uns so nicht geeinigt hatten und ich die Ware ganz sicher nicht rausschicke bevor das Geld auf meinem Konto verbucht ist kam heute diese Email:
ok....that means that the money has been paid to them already, is now you that need to ship the goods to me then you will get paid by the bank.........you know what,you re going to reply the mail they sent to you with the subject they asked ok.....it say
NOTE:please verify that you have receive this mail by replying us with a subject PAYMENT
so you re going to reply them and wait for the next mail they re going to send through..
Dont worry you are going to get your money
looking forward to hearing from you soon