Hey guys,
The car is originally 318 iS, sedan class II. There were several upgrades to it, which you can see from the pictures, including:
1. New Engine - M52B28, fully revised.
2. The suspension fully Powerflexed :)
3. The are are height adjustments to the rear GT wing.
4. BBS RC 090 ( Style 5), original, two component wheels.
5. Indivudally, reworked interior in awesome condition.
6. Rain sensor, Visual Parktronic.
7. Coilover suspension with camber plates, currently the front and rear axels are configured for 3% angle.
8. Z3M shortshifter.
9. Some additional parts, which i have forgotten about.

Bearbeitet von: furiozo am 19.06.2013 um 13:24:11
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