I bought this car one and half year from X_E_O_N (his photostory on this forum is here:
Link ).

I changed wheels for the Breyton Vision:
- front 10x19 ET 16 with spacer 14mm and 225/35R19
- rear 10x19 ET16 with 245/30R19:

But few days ago I sold Breyton wheels and bought AC Schnitzer Rennsport type II - front 8,5x19 rear 9,5x19. Also I bought new lips to make wheels wider - now is 11,5x19 with 245/39R19 on rear and I'm waiting for new lips for front - that will be 10x19 with 225/40R19 (maybe 225/35R19 - We'll see).
Bearbeitet von: Wiktor am 21.03.2013 um 17:47:45Bearbeitet von: Wiktor am 21.03.2013 um 17:53:16
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