Sub speaker program or freehand
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Mitglied seit: 09.02.2004
372 Beiträge
Just wanted to know what everyone thinks...
Which one is better
I made my box free hand and guessed the sizes and it came out much better than I expected.
sit your 5 dollar azz down before I have to make change!!
Mitglied: seit 2005
Hallo BILAL,
schau mal hier
(klick) - da gibt es sicher etwas passendes zum Thema "Sub speaker program or freehand"!
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I had a manual from JL Audio to build a box. But the result wasn't very satisfy. No pressure, no sound. So I made a new Box, free hand. I tested a lot of sizes and after one weekend, I had a good sound and pressure. But a box, which was three times bigger than the original size from JL Audio.