Ok here is the story.. I just found out how to doit.
You need to totally take off everything from your hood presently.
The front spring attachment , the shocks, the 2 roller things on the hood and the roller catchers on the sides all have to go. Leave the lock and the lock loop. You will need them.
The parts you will need:
1. E36 Hood hinges. The one from a coupe!. Very important that this is from a coupe. I took mine from a Limo and it doesnt work.
2. E34 Shocks from the trunk.
3. E36 Touring shock holders. These I assume you can get from any other car but the guy who did his got them from the touring.
weld the Hood hinges on the corners of the hood. Drill holes in the appropriate places on the body of the car. Mount the shocks in the right place. I think right above the shock tower, but you will see where once you start mounting everything.
You wont need a spring due to the shocks. Nor will you need another lock on the passenger side. The shocks do all of that for you.
I should have my camera next week. Then I can post photos of what not to do. When I am done you will see it when it looks better. I hope.
A true friend is....
accepting their decisions, even if it goes against what you want.