with some luck the basic functions will work if the connection fits..
best would be to post this in the E36 sub-forum again.. there you'l get the answer from our "professionals" :)
you can also post it in english, no problem :)
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mein Lebensmotto:
"Nichtskönnen stets durch extremes Auftreten kompensieren!" ;o]
(Zitat von: Jogi)
Your first problem is the energy supply.
Your small BC has power supply and ground pin in the black connector (already in your car!).
The big BC needs two of this 18pin female Connectors instead of one from the small one. And here is the power supply and ground in the other connector.
Second Problem is that Check-Control will not work until you retrofit your car cable harness.
Not to forget: You will have to recode your BC to your car. Only your local BMW Dealer can handle this.
Mail me, if you want specific details for installation of the big BC.
/// Evolution inside? ...in progress!
Bearbeitet von - BMW 325i-Fahrer am 25/10/2004 23:57:25