Ersteller dieses Themas
Mitglied seit: 12.01.2008
3 Beiträge
Hello and good day, I have just attended to this site. I think it is very useful and I would like to thank to the supporters
I have 2007 520d. Unfortunately I do not have TV function in my car. But I have navigation (not professional). Could anyone suggest me from where I can buy large monitor and necessary equipments for TV function with reasonable prices. Thanks and best regards.
Mitglied: seit 2005
Hallo oscar8310,
schau mal hier
(klick) - da gibt es sicher etwas passendes zum Thema "E60 Accessories"!
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Mitglied seit: 23.08.2007
19 Beiträge
Hi Oscar,
ask your BMW-Dealer.
For prof. navigation you can buy a tv-modul on ebay. (a large monitor and other accessories are also available on ebay)
regards Centaurus
Rechtschreibfehler dienen der allgemeinen Belustigung
3 options are possible:
- ebay: (but here is it often stolen, and the internet police look on so stuff)
- car-scrapyard: here you have to call the big ones, and give a order to there when they pick so a crash car up
- original bmw dealer: here you can order it, even a retrofit set is to get
click me Zitat:
with reasonable prices
this is so good as impossible when your buy should be legal, the offer is less as the request
Ersteller dieses Themas
Mitglied seit: 12.01.2008
3 Beiträge
Hi Oscar,
ask your BMW-Dealer.
For prof. navigation you can buy a tv-modul on ebay. (a large monitor and other accessories are also available on ebay)
regards Centaurus
(Zitat von: Centaurus)
Dear Centaurus,
Thank you really very much for your kind answer. I will follow ebay for the necessary parts.
Best regards, oscar
Ersteller dieses Themas
Mitglied seit: 12.01.2008
3 Beiträge
3 options are possible:
- ebay: (but here is it often stolen, and the internet police look on so stuff)
- car-scrapyard: here you have to call the big ones, and give a order to there when they pick so a crash car up
- original bmw dealer: here you can order it, even a retrofit set is to get click me
with reasonable prices
this is so good as impossible when your buy should be legal, the offer is less as the request
(Zitat von: Weiß-Blau-Fan-Rude)
hello and good day to you,
I would like to thank you for your help showing me the ways for obtaining the necessary parts. I will try to find them from the ways you showed.
Best regards,