Dieser Beitrag wurde vom Moderator weiß-blau-fan-rude am 24.08.2007 um 12:39:22 aus dem Forum "3er BMW - E30" in dieses Forum verschoben.hi there, i need some help, i own a E30 316 (1800cc carburator) but i just replaced the engine with a 318I M40 engine with only 17.000 km on the counter héhé they do exist ;-), it fitted straight in but i have some troubles with the wiring, at the socket(misses 1 or 2 pins) and the fuse-box(no alimentation for the fuel pump), is there anybody who has done this before?? do i have to change the whole body loom and wiring because i took it out of the M40 car body, my M10 car body does not have the fuel-pump wiring!!! any help is welcome, pics, elektric shematics etc etc, thanx, i would realy apréciate if anybody could help me!
Bearbeitet von - weiß-blau-fan-rude am 24.08.2007 12:39:22